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SSH Keys for Cloud Servers

Slicie allows you to provide SSH keys or generate them for cloud servers.

TLDR: How SSH Keys Work on Slicie

SSH keys are placed in the authorized keys file (at /root/.ssh/authorized_keys) on your server when it is created.

Slicie will try to convert the public key you provide into the correct format.

Slicie can generate a pair of private and public RSA keys for your server, or you can use your own.

What are SSH keys used for?

There are two methods of connecting to your server via SSH. You can connect with a password, or you can connect with an SSH key.

SSH keys are really a pair of two different keys, a private and public key. The private key is kept a secret, and the public key is stored on the server you want to connect to.

How do I generate SSH keys?

The easiest way is to simply create them on our website. When you create a server, you can choose "Generate a key", which will take care of the process for you.

If you don't want to generate the keys on our website, how you create them will depend on your operating system.

Creating SSH Keys on Linux or Mac

It's likely just a simple matter of running the following command and following its steps:


Creating SSH Keys on Windows 10

Because Windows now supports many Linux related functions, it's a similar process as Linux. You need to start by enabling the relevant features.

  • Open the Settings panel and click Apps.
  • Under the Apps and Features section, click on "Optional Features"
  • Scroll down to verify if OpenSSH Client is listed.
  • If OpenSSH Client is not listed, click "Add a feature" and find "OpenSSH Client"
  • Open the command prompt by choosing "Run as administrator"
  • Run the command: ssh-keygen

How do I connect with an SSH key on Linux or Mac?

You will use your private key to connect. The server has your public key.

Just replace the IP address with the IP address or hostname of your server.

ssh -i /home/path_to_your_private.key root@
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